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Skip’s 2022 recap: good times, good cheer and a new year!


As we head into 2023, we wanted to celebrate all that we’ve accomplished as a team and share a recap of the moments that made it so memorable. There’s been a lot of ordering, delivering, and eating – but there are also many other experiences that have brought us so much joy. From our partnership with the NHL®, to the RC show, helping the environment with sustainable food packaging, adding new handy features to the Partner Portal, and much more — it’s been a fantastic year! 

Here are a few of our favourite highlights from 2022:

RC Show:

Skip was proud to sponsor Canada’s largest food service event of the year at the RC Show this past May. And we’re very proud to say we were awarded Best Booth! To stand out from the crowd, we created a booth that looked just like a hockey rink, to represent how proud we are of our NHL partnership and show what it means to be a team. We also had meet-and-greets set up inside the booth with hockey legends, along with a chance to win great prizes. Check out the RC Show Highlights article to find out more.

Skip’s Menu Self-Serve feature:

Over the last year, we updated and added lots of new features to Skip’s Menu Self-Serve (MSS) tool, to help make your life easier. If you haven’t already used MSS, it allows you to easily create or edit a new category, update your menu, and more. Check out more of our useful features, such as MSS AlcoholSelf-Serve Banking, Analytics, and Self-Serve Promos.

Sustainable food packaging:

In 2022, Skip partnered with Friendlier, a revolutionary Canadian packaging company passionate about the environment. They’re dedicated to delivering your tasty food to customers in a sustainable way.

Social Media tips:

Throughout the year, we gave our partners a few handy social media marketing strategies and provided them with some helpful tips. Take a look at these other articles that can help boost your business: 8 Website Must-Haves, Gen Z Diners, and Managing a Short-Staffed crew.


  • Olympic Giveaway: As a proud sponsor of the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing, Skip served the Canadian Team delicious food whenever they needed it. And we celebrated this milestone by offering our Partners a chance to win an Olympic Games Giveaway. Prizes included official autographed Olympics merch from each of our partner athletes, an official Lululemon Team Canada ’22 Down Jacket, and a collection of Skip swag! Curious about other contest opportunities with Skip? Keep checking the Secret Sauce to find out about the contests we have for our Partners.
  • Skip’s 10-year anniversary: Can you believe it? We celebrated 10 years of delivering, ordering, and building relationships with our incredible Partners. Here’s to the next 10 years!

Restaurant Highlights – Lafayette Pizzeria:

Lafayette Pizzeria has been delighting customers with its famous pizza pies since 1962. Taking over the business in 2010, Phil Drakis and his wife have strived to deliver quality food and exceptional customer service above all else. With Skip’s courier availability and intuitive technology, they were able to attract even more customers and boost the delivery side of their business this year. And we couldn’t be prouder. Want to get inspired by other Partner success stories? Check out these case studies: Aunty Lucy’s, Aux vivres, Tacos Frida, and The Bannock Lady.

This has been an outstanding year filled with new opportunities, and we would like to thank each one of you for being a part of this wonderful experience. We hope you have a Happy New Year and we look forward to working with you in 2023!

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