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6 tips to help drive up delivery on the convenience side.


In a world where convenience is king, making sure customers can access your offerings with ease is key to staying ahead of the curve. Whether it’s through offering healthier choices, eco-friendly packaging, or diving into frozen foods (do not be afraid!), we’ve got some helpful strategies to help you deliver convenience success.

  1. Health-ify some of your offerings. 

Just two short years ago, energy drinks were at the top of the most popular list. Now? Healthier options are moving right on up the list, and not just in drink options, like coconut water and kombucha. Think ready-to-eat small meal options, like packaged guacamole or hummus with pita, veggies and dip, yogurt and fruit, hard-boiled eggs, and cheese sticks. Offer more of these options and you could attract healthy eaters and drinkers on top of your already loyal fans. 


  1. Power them up with sensible snacks. 

Speaking of healthier options, it’s a good idea to stock some wholesome grab ’n go snacks. Options like lower-sugar trail mix, roasted chickpeas, wasabi peas, unsalted mixed nuts, and dried fruit can put you on the map as a top pit stop for your vegetarian customers, whether in-store or for delivery.

  1. Sweeten the pot with the perfect promo. 

One thing all customers crave? A great deal. Play around with promo offers to see what pulls in the most business (luckily, there a lot to choose from with Skip’s restaurant promo ideas). For example, you could offer a Family Movie Night special, including chips, pop, and candy for a great price. Or try an office coffee break deal and throw in a free coffee with a minimum “3pm snack” order. You could even offer $0 delivery during off-peak times, like late-night or early morning. 

  1. Tackle food allergies head-on. 

In recent years, there’s been a rise in food allergies, making it increasingly important to cater to a diverse range of dietary needs. But it’s not just about stocking gluten-free, nut-free, and sugar-free items, it’s about making those products easy to find. By using clear labels and segmenting these products on your delivery menu, you’ll be showing those with special dietary needs that you care about their business and their well-being. That also bumps up the chance they’ll be a repeat customer. Check out how easy it is to adjust your menu. 

  1. Jump aboard the eco-friendly express. 

We’re talking sustainable packaging. It’s no secret that today’s consumers are prioritizing businesses that are environmentally conscious. A good first step in the right direction would be to replace single-use plastics, like plastic bags, straws, and utensils, with biodegradable or compostable options, like plant-based plastics, paper, and cardboard. It’s not just a good look for the planet, it’s a good look for your business.  While we’re at it, here are a few more sustainable packaging ideas to check out. 

  1.  Melt away your misconceptions about frozen food. 

Though they may have gotten a bad rap, frozen foods have come a long way from the TV dinners of yesteryear. There are all kinds of tastier and healthier frozen foods on the market, and it wouldn’t hurt to reserve some freezer space for them. Think veggie-packed smoothies, Asian-inspired broths, protein bowls, even pizza has gotten a major makeover in the frozen section with all kinds of healthier options and flavours to choose from. Plus, with 35% of Canadians cooking frozen meals a couple times per week and the ready-made market expected to grow 5.7% this year alone, it’s clear the frozen food aisle is heating up. 


  1. Tell the world you deliver deliciously. 

Making the move to deliver your goods to customers far and wide? Great, now it’s time to get the word out. Put up display signs at the checkout, throw on a window decal or two, toss flyers in the bags of your in-store patrons, spread the news on your socials (better yet, throw us a message in the Portal for some social asset support). Let your customers know you do delivery while sharing delivery hours, delivery radius, minimum order requirements, and delivery fees. Even throw in a discount code for their first order. 

And there you have it. With these savvy strategies in your back pocket, you’ll be ready to step up your convenience delivery game and win over a whole new crowd.

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