Menu Ideas Prep Seasonal Skip Platform Summer Tips & Trends 2 min read

Picnic must-haves.


Summer is in the air! After a winter hunkered down indoors, many Canadians are itching to spend as much time outside as possible. That often means taking their meals with them. 

This summer, how can you help make sure customers have what they need to enjoy an impromptu picnic with their take-out meals? No need to include the picnic basket or gingham blanket. Here are a few simple tips from Skip. 

Greener packaging.

While we’re enjoying the outdoors, you can do your part to help keep them clean. How? By using environmentally-friendly take-out packaging made with recycled, recyclable, and biodegradable materials. Also, consider packaging that your customers might be able to re-use on their next outing.

Easy clean-up. 

Including napkins in your take-out orders might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s even more essential when customers are enjoying their food outside. Without a sink handy to wash up, moist towelettes (such as Wet Naps or Wet Ones) are a nice little touch to add to take-out bags, especially for dishes that can get a little messy, like chicken wings or ribs.

Cheers to twist-offs.

Offering wine and beer is a great way to up your revenue. Be sure to have some bottles on the menu that don’t require a corkscrew or bottle opener – for easy backyard enjoyment. 

We’ve added a handy new feature that lets you easily add legally compliant alcohol menu items using the Menu Self-Serve. Click here to learn more

Eat with your hands.

This summer, consider adding some items to your menu that are easier (read: less messy) to eat outside. Finger foods, snackable items, and platters are all great ways to make outdoor eating a little easier and fun to share with friends. 

Handy utensils.

With no kitchen utensil drawer to run to, including the right cutlery (whether it’s a spoon or chopsticks) can be downright essential when enjoying a meal outdoors. Keep it top of mind even more so in the summer months. And there are more eco-friendly options are available than ever before.

Summer is almost here. Stay fully stocked on outdoor-dining supplies and keep your customers coming back for more.

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