SkipGo Delivery 2 min read

SkipGo: Meet our handy white-label delivery service. 


Access to the Skip food delivery network used to only work with orders placed on the Skip app or website. But not anymore! With our white label service SkipGo, businesses can invite customers to order items through their websites (versus the Skip app). Not only is it easy to use, but it also comes with a whole lot of benefits. Check them out.

What are the benefits of SkipGo?

  • For starters, you’ll have access to Canada’s largest network of independent couriers with the fastest delivery times in the country. 
  • There are zero sign-up fees, no commission structure, and not a subscription fee in sight. You simply pay a flat fee for every order.
  • You’ll have complete control of your customer relationships through this convenient white label service. The best part? You won’t need your own fleet of couriers because that’s where we come in. 
  • SkipGo works with third party vendors Smooth Commerce, Eigen, and Deliverect to integrate all online orders with any business’ POS system. 
  • Not a Skip Partner? No problem. You too can access SkipGo, regardless if you’re a Partner or not.

How does SkipGo work exactly? 

It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Get an estimate.

Once a customer places an order through your website app, Skip will receive your restaurant’s address and validate whether a delivery is possible. Just like the Skip app, customers can also schedule a delivery later if they prefer. 

A woman standing behind a counter at a café smiling looking at a tablet.
A man in a restaurant picking up two paper bags handed to him by a chef

2. Trigger a delivery. 

Once the order is confirmed, the delivery is triggered and one of our Skip couriers gets dispatched. 

3. Track the order. 

Skip provides regular delivery status updates through this special service so you can stay on top of delivery times. Customers can also receive tracking updates from Skip through SMS. 

Two men behind a counter at a café, one is looking tablet and one is making coffee.

And that’s it! Want to add this handy service to your restaurant? Connect with Vineet Bansal at [email protected] for more info.

 * SkipGo is currently only available for Restaurant Partners

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