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The top 5 food packaging trends you need to know about.


With the ongoing popularity of takeout and delivery orders, choosing the right packaging is more important than ever. The good news is, from branding to materials, there are all kinds of exciting new packaging trends out there right now to help bolster your business. Let’s take a look.

1. Sustainability for life. 

Not only is it important to do our part for the environment, but customers are becoming more critical of packaging now more than ever. And that feeling will surely continue to grow. It’s less about appearances and more about being eco-friendly, or at the very least, creating as little detrimental impact on the environment as possible. Luckily, there are plenty of recyclable, compostable, and biodegradable winners on the market these days. For example, lightweight, recyclable corrugate is not only sustainable, but it can also still be printed on, so you can use it to advertise your brand while fulfilling your environmental responsibility. 

2. Tell us a story with interactive packaging. 

Want to take your customer experience up a notch? Two words: interactive packaging. We’re not talking futuristic bells and whistles here. Think QR codes and smart labels — they elevate your brand and help you tell your story while taking up minimal space. For example, you could print a QR code on your packaging that leads customers to a web page where they can learn more about your sustainability practices or where you source your food. Not only does it give them a chance to interact with your brand beyond the transaction, but it also gives them something to talk about with friends and family or on social media (which means more exposure for you!). 

3. Can we cut the clutter?

You know what they say, less is more. Busy, overcomplicated, overly colourful packaging is on its way out. Not only does it increase takeout and delivery costs on your end, in this day and age, keeping things minimal is a great way to stand out. With consumers being bombarded with colourful ads everywhere they turn, having simple packaging is like a breath of fresh air. Embrace simplicity with clear labelling and a clean look.

4. Let’s be clear with transparent packaging. 

There is nothing customers love more than actually seeing what they’re buying before they buy it. Enter transparent packaging. If you’re selling goods through your business, like granola or coffee for example, having clear packaging (or at least a clear window within the packaging) is a great way to show you’ve got nothing to hide. It’s all about appetite appeal. 

5.  We’ll take that to-go, to-go. 

These days restaurant DIY meal & drink kits are popular and, a lot of people are getting out of the house and taking their takeout with them. This is where portable packaging comes in handy. It lets your customers take their order with them wherever they go, even if they’re on a bike. Take McDonald’s McBike packaging, for example. They came up with a smart design that let bikers attach their meals to their handlebars so they could take their tasty treats with them wherever they go.  

Commanding attention in today’s market is no small feat. But taking one of these trends into consideration could be a great way to help your business stand out in the crowd.

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