Operations Seasonal Summer Technology Tips & Trends 3 min read

Seasonal staffing strategies: 7 ways to attract and retain top talent.


The weather’s heating up, customers are out and about, and there’s a chance that business could pick up. You’re suddenly thinking you may need some extra hands to keep everything running smoothly. But how do you find the right seasonal staff to join your team? Here are 7  hot tips to help you attract (and keep!) the right seasonal employees.

1. Focus on flexibility. 

As we head into the warmer months, it’s important to keep in mind employees may have other things going on, like a social outing with friends or taking a family vacation. That’s why it’s a great idea to offer flexible scheduling options, so your team can find the balance between work and other commitments. By doing this, you’ll support your staff in a way that shows you understand and appreciate the importance of work-life balance and value their needs.

What are the benefits of offering flexible work options to your team? 

  • Elevate employee motivation, especially with top performers and seasoned professionals.
  • Allow staff to manage their outside responsibilities.
  • Enhance job satisfaction, ignite creativity, boost energy levels, and help employees manage stress. 
  • Contribute to the overall well-being and happiness of your workforce.

[Source: CCOHS – Flexible Work. Article. January 2021]

2. Compete with compensation.

When it comes to attracting and retaining top talent, taking care of your employees’ health, safety, and well-being can make all the difference. It’s crucial to offer competitive pay and benefits, including personalized plans that fit each employee’s unique needs. Retirement benefits, mental health support, or a clear career path can all help set you apart from other employers. By showing your team that you value their well-being and happiness, you’ll create a workplace culture that people want to be a part of.

3. Train to retain.

By implementing a well-designed training and onboarding program, you can ensure your seasonal employees feel confident and capable in their roles from Day One. It’s best to develop a comprehensive training program that covers job duties, company policies, and safety procedures to help new hires quickly adapt to the job and become productive team members. Also, you can consider assigning a mentor or buddy to seasonal staff to offer guidance and support as they navigate their new roles. This approach not only helps them become a valuable member of your team but also sets a positive tone for their entire seasonal experience.

4. Tap into top talent on social.

Social media can be a game-changer when it comes to recruiting suitable seasonal employees. 

To tap into this potential talent pool, start by posting about your seasonal job openings on your business’s social channels. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer powerful tools for promoting job openings and sharing employee testimonials about what it’s like to work for you. In fact, nine out of ten brands use social media to attract and engage new hires. Encourage your followers to share the post with their networks and aim your advertisements at specific demographics, including age, location, and interests. With targeted ads that speak directly to potential candidates, you can attract the right people and build a team of top-notch seasonal employees.

[Source: Sprout Social – The ultimate guide to social recruiting. Blogpost. Oct 2021]

Need help crafting posts to entice potential hires? Check out our guide to creating game-changing social media here.

5. Bring the boomerang employees back. 

It’s always a great idea to invite back past staff members who previously performed well as they’re already familiar with your company culture, the job requirements, and have established relationships with other employees. Rehiring past employees can also save time and resources on training since they already know the ropes. Not only can they hit the ground running with their previous experience, they can also bring some fresh perspectives to the team and expand your reach of qualified candidates during the recruiting process. 

[Source: People Element – The untapped potential of boomerang employees. Blogpost]

6. Empower existing staff. 

Your current staff members can be a great source of referrals for seasonal employees. They understand and know the skills required to succeed on the job. To encourage them to refer potential candidates, offer incentives such as a cash bonus, gift cards, or additional paid time off.

You can also create friendly competition between employees to see who can refer the most qualified candidates. This can motivate your staff to actively seek out referrals and ensure that they’re only recommending the best candidates for the job.

7. Target talent on the right job boards. 

Posting seasonal openings on relevant job boards can help you reach potential hires who are seeking similar opportunities to the ones available at your business.

For example, if you own a restaurant, posting on food service industry job boards can help you find qualified candidates with experience in the industry. 

You can also partner with local schools and universities to attract motivated and talented seasonal employees. Reaching out to career centres, student organizations, and participating in campus events to meet potential candidates will help promote your company’s benefits during the busy season.

To help with hiring, here’s a list of hospitality job boards.

1. EightSix Network
2. Hospitalityjobs.ca
3. go2HR
4. HospitalityCrossing
5. Hosco
6. Indeed
7. Glassdoor

[Source: Better Team – Best hospitality job boards. Blogpost. 2023]

Happy hiring!

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