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We’re giving $10K to one lucky Skip Partner!


We’re excited to announce we’re giving one lucky Skip Partner $10,000 to make a business dream come true.

$10K goes a long way.

From upgrading your equipment or revamping your signage, to investing in new storage solutions or expanding your space, we’re sure you can imagine a ton of ways to use the cash.

So, how would your business spend $10K? 

Tell us what you’d do with that money in 140 characters or less by January 22, 2024, for a chance to win big.

We’ll be contacting the winner directly, but you can also catch the reveal across our socials on January 26, 2024. 

Fill out the form below and you will be entered into the contest. Good luck!

[contact-form-7 id=”0ca376e” title=”$10K Giveaway EN”]

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