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4 Stellar Tips To Help You Strengthen Your Skip Score


Want to get more customers to pick your place over the other guys? Welcome to the wonderful world of Skip Scores. —your marketing tool extraordinaire. Calculated as a rolling average over a 28-day span, it reflects the quality of food and service that your restaurant is putting out there. The higher the score, the better your chances of scoring more customers. So how do you get your hands on more of those precious points? Read on to find out. 


Tip #1: Get A Grip On Courier Holds 

If your courier arrives at the restaurant at the accepted time and the food they’re coming to pick up isn’t ready within 5 minutes or more, down goes your Skip Score. To keep your courier hold time in check and ensure your customers’ orders arrive right on time, here are a couple of helpful pointers:

  • Make sure your food cook time is accurately set based on how busy it is, kitchen capacity, and number of items ordered
  • Check the courier tracker for real-time estimates for pickup time (which can vary based on obstacles like traffic and weather)
  • Mark the pickup area with clear signs so that couriers can find it easily

Want to keep an eye on those holds? We don’t blame you. Here’s how: 

#2 Happy Customer Reviews = Happy Skip Scores

Surprise, surprise. Restaurants who get more positive reviews than negative ones have a stronger Skip Score. So how do you score more of those? Here are a couple of mini-tips:

  • Add in a lil’ freebie like a cookie or a small sampler of one of your famous salads or dips
  • Write a friendly thank you note on the bag or a “please leave feedback” request in the bag to add a personal touch and points to your score bank
  • We said it before and we’ll say it again: Watch those courier holds!


Tip #3: Top Up Your Points By Staying On Top Of Your Game

People don’t like waiting for anything (that goes triple for those who are hangry). If you don’t accept their order in a snap, they’ll be onto the next, zero questions asked. And as if bettering your score wasn’t enough, here’s a stat that’ll knock your socks off. Ready for it? Restaurants with an average order acceptance time of 2 minutes or less receive 145% MORE ORDERS per day than those with an order acceptance time of over 2 minutes, bananas! Consider having a designated order picker-upper or auto-accept orders (for integrated locations) so you don’t miss a beat.


Tip #4: Keep Everything App To-Date

Finally, the last tip to keep that score soaring? Make sure you’re using the latest and greatest version of the Skip app. Sometimes we refresh it with things like bug fixes, security improvements, and new features, and if you’re not operating on the most recent, things could get messy. To avoid an avoidable sticky situation, keep up with the updates so your customers keep coming back for more. 

And there it is, folks. Our best tips and tricks to help you score more Skip points and keep those customers a-coming. 

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